Thursday, October 22, 2009

My 22nd Birthday…… :) :)

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday…. And hence it added one more year of experience to my life…. I was just recalling the things changed in past one year……. My mindset…. My priorities…. And I learned few valuable things which will help me forever….

Well, before jumping to the philosophy part I would like to share how my day was… it was great… I went to my old campus i.e., North campus with my graduation friend…. We roamed… enjoyed our favorite street food… then walked on the streets of Kamla Nagar Market…. Recalled old days and missed our graduation time…

Then I did shopping for my mom…. What can be better than buying gifts for your loved ones….. And to make them smile…. :D After that we few friends assembled at Connaught Place and celebrated my birthday… And that wasn’t the end… I then went to my place and celebrated with my family… :D….

It was a great day…. Though few things went wrong… some misunderstandings…. Misconceptions…. Which still need to be cleared :(

I can really sense the changes as m growing… changes around me…. In me… My mindset my outlook…. Everything changing…. Usually I cry on my birthday may be coz I want it to be perfect and to celebrate it with everyone I love which is not possible always…. That’s something cannot be justified…. Yesterday after 10 years I realized I have no tears left nor I bother about silly things… Yes I do feel terribly bad about few things but crying part is missing… And here I recalled my professor’s words….

In graduation, my Physical Anthropology professor once said,

“Enjoy the feelings you have today, the smiles, the laughs, the tears, the pain, the hurt…. Coz as you’ll grow mature you’ll realize you are losing all the feelings within… you’ll cry no more…. Very few things will hurt you and you won’t shed tears like you do today”

And today I realized how true he was…. I do cry…. But less now…. I do bother about people but very few people…. I do laugh but rarely…. Things so changed….. And so I am….

I realized people ditch you when you need them the most… Here people are those people who call you friend and enjoy moments with you…. But when you want them to stand beside you…. You’ll find them enjoying with others…

And suddenly I realized my post is going more towards sad things….. NO NO NO….. That’s just not me :P Some bad experiences were ruling my mind and it came out :P

Anyways…. Even after few bad things I love my life and all the imperfections and as I am growing I am falling even deeply in love with it…. I love My family, Myself, my life and few good friends :)

Life is the most precious gift of God and even more precious are the people whom I love and who love me… without them life is nothing…. And of course I love you my blog :D…. this is my first birthday with you.... Muaah :)))

And this post is incomplete without remembering the one I usually complain to for all wrong things…. My dear God…. Thank you for everything….. Love you :)


  1. nice to know that u had a wonderful birthday.. :)
    well misconceptions do occur,but it ll all be cleared out soon, so dont worry. n i guess i agree with ur professor.. enjoy each n every moment of ur life

    take care n be happy dear friend :)

  2. its soooo senti....u wont believe m crynng like hell.... :(

  3. Life is all about changes .. it's how gradually accept them :)

    Someone has gone old :P

    Love, wishes and prayers for you Deepika .. I'm sure you are concentrating hard on the placements and wish the best job offer for you this birthday :)

    Take care Deepika !

  4. hmm ... so now you're maturing ... it will be interesting to know the mature Deepika ... so far I have known the childish, kiddish, and sometimes stupid (haha, sorry) Deepika ...

    Yeah,there comes a time when some of the negative things do not matter that much ... even when I look back at time, I realize how stupid I was to react at certain silly things in a particular way ... probably you're going through the same thing ...

    ... and hey that's not fair ... remember, you told me that you'll do something when you'll be at North campus ... anyway, that wouldn't have mattered because right now I'm in Allahabad, will be reaching Delhi tomorrow ... and perhaps it would have not been appropriate for me to be at your birthday celebration with your friends ...

    ... good that you had a fun time and relived some of your old memories, and like you said don't be too concerned about the slight negativities ... focus on the happy and joyous part :)

    well, I think my comment is getting too long :D ... so, I'll stop here ...

    Take care!

  5. happy bday..and is crying less considered becoming strong or something??i dont think

  6. Belated wishes for ur bday deepika...

  7. Happy Belated Birthday!!
    Life do change not in a year, not in month, not in a day, but every second!! We should respect the beauty of life as it comes!! Hope u had a grt time!!

  8. Happy Birthday to you. MAy God bless you with happiness and joy

  9. Happy belated birthday :)

    It's true; as we get older, we lose our sense of wonder because with every new experience we let our hearts sometimes harden in order to block out pain. But it's wonderful that you have so much love for your family and friends and blog ;)

    May this be a good year.

  10. belated wishes - happy birthday Deepika :)

  11. Belated Happy birthday wishes!

    Hope the coming year would be better than before and happier too.. All the very best.

  12. Nice post. Good to know you enjoyed your b'day.
    Hope you get your priorities right and wish your dreams come true and most importantly live your dream.
    All the best once again.

  13. Whoa! A post after so long! Was wondering where you'd disappeared to.

    Happy belated birthday buddy! Glad you had a great day :)

    As we grow older, our experience grows, we grow, mature into an ever-evolving personality. Knowing what those changes are, recognizing the emotions for what they are...that's what life's all about. You're on the right track.

    Cheers! :)

  14. Happy Birthday! and your professors words are sooooo true...I never looked at it that way, but eventually we all do just become 'numb' to lifes experience, searching for contentment we brush emotion away...kind of sad now that I think about it. Best wishes for 22!

  15. Thats great u can sense the changes which to me is a power that god has given u which very few have!!
    I've never enjoyed my birthdays, something always went wrong...dont know why, so guess u guys are again lucky ones :)!!
    Your professor was absolutely right...!!

  16. Deepika Gupta, Day B4 Sterday Was Your Birthday :) :) Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day Dear :) :) Belated Wishes :) May All Your Dreams & Wishes Come True :) :) Hugee, Bear Hug To U Darling Baby :) :)

  17. H A P P Y
    B I R T H D A Y

    pls change my URL to

  18. Life is the most precious gift of God and even more precious are the people whom I love and who love me..
    so true...
    belated wishes from me too..

  19. Wish you a belated Happy Birthday

    Wish all your dreams come true!!

  20. Belated B'day wishes 2 u deepika .. u knw wat, the grt painter Mary Cassatt’s Birthday is also on 22nd oct and today I got 2 knw that there is also a grt writer Deepika :P celebrating her b'day on the same day :)

  21. belated happy birthday deepika!
    loved to read wat u hv written..smethn so true n vd whch evry1 cn relate himself...
    keep up the gud work!

    al d best!

  22. Hey Belated Happy Birthday...
    And as far as tears are concerned they almost always somehow find a way through your eyes to your cheeks...
    But I hope may u be blissful and without tears.. !!

  23. Wow u turned 22 on october 22. Cool :-) welcome 2 de party. People who r 22 r supposed 2 rock ! Just like me hi hi :-)
    n keep smiling n you'll keep on gettin older ! :) reserve tears 4 better occasions like havin spilled coffee over your boss or professor !

  24. Belated Happy B'day Gal...

    well changes r part of lyf, change is necessity of lyf so we must not regret changin ourselves (though i do it alwaz)......
    nd yeah its well said dat u hv many so called frnds to njoy, but so less wen u need a shoulder to cry on...dats quite true
    nd ur professor said wad only shahrukh did in Kal ho na hoo
    "Hanso muskurao jeeyo is pal ko, kyunki kya pata kal ho na ho"


  25. am i too late to wish you?

    Happy b'day.... wish u many more to celebrate :-)

  26. Belated happy bday buddy!

    liked the words of your professor.

    Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

  27. Belated happy b'day. Good to see u back on blogspot.

  28. Hey thanks for following my blog. Have fun.


  29. Whenever you share your sad feelings to others, do it with a smile that would definitely make an impact and change the mood......

  30. Real nice expressions there Deepika...we need to enjoy life ..thanking God is the biggest gift to God!! yu did that very well!!..sure yes prof words true indeed... Belated birthday wishes indeed!

  31. happy birthday to you :) may you have many more pleasant and memorable ones.
    i will fall for ur wise words, even though life isnt at all inviting lately.
    i m bein really ungrateful too!
    but all blessings to you :) to have what it takes to make your life worth to live today tomorrow and always

  32. Thanks for following my blog! I just came back from long 2 months of idleness.

    God bless you always!


  33. Wow. I never thought of what your professor said. Nice one.


  34. Belated Happy Birthday!

    God bless you always!


  35. heyy....belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I guess its too late and am sorry for being this late. Work...all weekends and it has been three weeks that ways and am still at office. Finally today, i got up and said, even if i am busy, i can no longer wait to read the blogs. Hope that explains.. :)

    hats off to your Physical Anthropology professor. That is so true. I never pondered the way you did but as i read it, i realised them and can see the changes. I also cry on my BDay's and New Yesrs...and i too feel cheated....i always get hurt..and friends do it, some knowingly and some...
    But i am never able to stop myself and say that its going the sad way. That is what makes you score so beautifully i the same. :)

  36. Belated Happy Birthday Deepika... seems you had a swell day :D

  37. Belated birthday wishes Deepika!! your Professor's words are still blaring in my true and sad..:(

  38. Belated Happy Birthday Deepika!Change is the only constant thing in life! May you have a lot of positive changes that will make your life more beautiful! God bless!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. hi !!!
    it is great to have discovered your blog today !!!
    i loved everything here !!

    see you !!

  41. happy b'day... albeit belated:)
    also i guess birthday aint the time to contemplate and get sento hehe

  42. I loved what ur Physical Anthropology professor had to say. But I dont agree to people ditch you when you need them the most I think its a wrong act on our part that we have way too many expectations from others.

    Expectations are always brutally slaughtered. Just try to work out without expectations and u'll be amazed on the # ofhelping hands life has to offer

  43. u know honey!! its my birthday in 4 hours..and i'm turing 22 too...n i loved ye post...on how ye birthday ye blog...
