Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Man's World!

Nowadays, I see everyone in my friend’s list is getting either committed or married or engaged…. Well, congrats to all of them… And may God bless them… But, at times I feel, are they in hurry or I am being indifferent towards this marriage thing… God Knows!

I seriously feel, I need to do well in my career…. Though I am not anti-marriage, I’ll certainly get settled... but, I am not in hurry…. I am career- focused right now…. And that bothers me more than anything else…

They say, priorities change once you are married…. Well, may be… I dunno…. M not married yet so no comments… It might be right…

Now days, I find my committed friends giving advices to me that I should also get married or engaged or something like that…. During this discussion,  I discovered a male mindset which I found very disappointing.

While discussing, a guy said that gals who travel in their jobs are not marriageable and 2 others supported him…. Which shocked me…. hurt me and badly disappointed me… for me I am a girl who loves to travel!

Now, my simple question is guys can grow in their lives, guys can work wherever they like, guys can travel wherever they want for work…. Then WHY CAN’T GIRLS?

If a guy expects his girl to support him for his career moves, his decisions, his opportunities then WHY CAN’T A GIRL EXPECT THE SAME?

In which world am I living…. Which century… which environment…. Where people have changed their dress up sense, lifestyles, culture but the thought process is still so small and biased….

In the end in any relationship, whether it’s parental, couple, friendship, brother-sister or any other relation, its all about faith and trust… If it’s not there then relationship is of no use…

I have seen guys and girls cheating on their better halves in normal routine lives with a very settled boring jobs… what I feel is people cheat when they are bored of their monotonous life while for some people it’s simply their character which can’t be changed…. What is there to do with travel!

One should feel content and satisfied in their lifestyle and it can only be there when they will do well in their personal and professional lives…. I agree, with time priorities do change but does that mean you stop growing in life?

Every individual needs their space to grow, whether it’s personal or professional, whether it’s a girl or a guy… 

We live in a world where we are raised in a family where guys and girls are treated as equal…. They are provided with equal facilities and equal respect…. they dream individually…. To grow in their lives… At least, I can say this for myself…. I am really happy and proud to say that my family gave me and my brothers  kinda upbringing where we understand guys and gals deserves equal space…

I dunno why, I am so disappointed with this kind of mentality of guys…. I feel sorry for them…. Honesty, If they are like this then where are we moving… what kinda upbringing their kids will ever get…. Where our country will move…. Gosh! Even though guys pretend to be so modern and open minded that they wanna walk with a lady wearing a pair of jeans but not an independent outlook towards their career!

Well, may be it’s only me who thinks this way. But yes, It’s indeed sad...!


  1. What you wrote is totally correct... Sadly our society is still male biased... But the change is being noticed.. Bad thing u still havn't met those kind of guys...
    You touched 2-3 aspects of life... marriage, trust nd male dominance... Wat should i say, all 3 are valid...
    Trust is also a key in any relationship...
    marriage is important if you find the right partner nd at right time...
    All The Best for future... Really loved ur post... people don't come out on these issues...

  2. Completely my thoughts. I get very irritated when some guys have the kind of mentality that you have written about. Yes, majority of the guys are like that, but all of them are not like that. I personally know some people who are not at all like that.

    It's all embedded in the hypocritical society. A guy is told to dominate and a girl is told to be submissive, which is completely illogical. One thing that I have never been able to understand that after marriage why is that the girl has to make all the compromises? Why does she even have to change her surname?

    This whole concept of the male doing whatever he wants to do and the female having to think 10 times before making a decision is simply ridiculous ...

  3. I suppose in the light of current events in new delhi this whole question of male-dominance takes a whole crazy-new turn. but these issues apart, what i've found with people is that they have a problem if you choose career, they have a problem if you don't. if you don't marry early, they say none wants old brides, you'll die an old unmarried crone. if you marry early they " why is she in such a hurry".... . so, basically you have to do what your heart says. the world can only contribute so much to your life. after that your life is your responsibility, do justice to it.

  4. Deepika Madam

    Wish you A Happy New Year 2013.

    Madam we all have great hope that in this 2013 we are moving in to more advance in our fields.

    Madam in the year 2012 there were many sad things happened particularly to the woman. It is a very sad situation that in the year ending of 2012 one young indian 23 year old braveheart sister united all of us with her death. It is a great thing that entire youth of india united for her and pay homage to her and want justice to her.

    Madam like many of our youth from my side i am also trying to attempt to convey some message about this incident in my Heritage of India blog.

    Madam recently i am posting one message in my Heritage of India blog under title "Indian Woman in 19th Century vintage post cards". Madam in this message i am trying to compare with the situations as how woman got respect in those golden days with present day dangerous situations by mentioning the example of this 23 year old young indian braveheart sister.

    Madam this is the link for this message.

    Madam i request you please read this message and share your comments about this post. Madam if you like this message please share this with your friends also.

  5. Hi Deepika

    Sadly it is a mans world. But then there are girls like you who make us all proud. It is sad that males think woman in travel jobs should not be married. Well good for them, because then we find the guys who are not so narrow minded like the others.

    I am lucky to have one like that.


