Thursday, October 24, 2013

Life is like a game of Contra!

Sometimes, when I start writing I find it very difficult to frame my thoughts into words… But here I am again trying to jot down what is there in my mind.. :-)

Today, while sipping my morning coffee and thinking about life… this thought clicked my mind, how similar our lives are to the game we used to play “Contra”…

I started exploring the thought and realized yes, Indeed it is!

The only difference is…. in a game we get warnings like alert, difficulty level, new weapon, bonus points, gifts, accidents.. Here in life we face it first then we realize what it was :P

Coming to the comparison part, I feel I have grown up from Tetris to Contra… there I just compared life and troubles… Here, I have a lot more… :-)

So, here it starts, when we start the game… we adjust with the surroundings just like life… In every new scenario we adjust first school then college, office… We develop a comfort level with the weapons we are gifted with and realize their strengths… In game our weapons are the gun, bombs, some bonus weapons, our ability to run fast and jump high... Whereas, in life our weapons are our mind, creativity, persistence, patience, sharpness of mind and not to forget our thought process… In both life & contra we win if we feel we can… Positive attitude & will decides our destiny.

Now, when we are well versed with the weapons we have, we feel more confident to use them in any scenario, that is what we call experience in real life and new level in game. We might win the new level or we might realize we need to sharpen us and develop better grip over our strengths to pass through it…

Coming on to the similarities in brief as m getting late for office-

  •          In both, game & life we keep on running after earning…. Points & Money!
  •          In both, we are still running even after knowing the end is same for everyone…
  •          We don’t realize while playing/living that what matters is to enjoy the game/Life rather than just earning numbers/Money and taking stress
  •         Not always but many times we run our of energy/health in the race of earning more points and we don’t realize we waste whatever we earned when it comes to energy/health

Well, I guess I’ll come up with more similarities on this on sometime when I'll have no office day… 

But, one difference which I would love to mention is Life is any day better than a Contra game, In the game you get 3 chances after which your game is over… Here in life, you get a new chance every day to relive and change things… you cant undo many things but that’s what life is…. Look forward and change it for the better…

Change things which you don’t like, alter yourself if you think you need to…. Realize, its not over yet.. You have thousand things…. Miracles do happen….

And in the end, I would like to say-

Life is like a Disney movie... 

Miracles do Happen, Hard work pays even if its delayed, good people do exist, Luck favors the brave, there is always a villain... a king.. a prince and a princess and No one can ever change your destiny if you are real...

Appreciate Life and have Faith.. Get up and keep moving… you may not get these many chances in one game of contra, but you have many in real life… :-)

Now, I’ll also get up and get ready for my office….

Love you God.. Muaah :-)

Note- I’ll proof read it in evening! Till the time avoid the typos :P


  1. Yes, Life is like a game.. And you have to play it as it comes. Nice post.

    Like you say, miracles will happen.

    All luck to you.

  2. :) yeah Life is like a Game!!! agreed

    but, ur post is also like the same...
    in the middle of the post u took us too peak, (expected lot more comparisions...)
    but ended suddenly... plz make it bigger... :p

  3. ahmm ahmmm.....class where exist, always seems to be a game...!!
    sometimes I feel who made this game have definitely taken its bottom view from life only.
    yes life is a game where we move ahead to mark new levels, to show up to new adventures. to free ourselves, to get our princess. we help those we met in between our ways, we take help indeed.
    we fails and bounce back.
    every hurdle when passed by seems to be a victory.:)
    life is a game of riddle which always surprize with its results.!!!!
