Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Presentation!

I am indeed ‘the chosen one’ by the almighty! :P

What a day it was...! 

Sometimes... it seems like God plans or actually crafts every day specially for me ;-)

After my MBA, this was the first time when I was involved so deeply and creatively in my PowerPoint presentation... Adding all cartoons, clip art, charts and what not to it... I really think I worked for it, not very hard though...

I was kinda excited... reached office on time and in morning itself heard an announcement that a new station head was going to join us from the very day... So, just 6 hours prior to my presentation we all gathered in a hall to welcome him... In his intro he said 'I somehow love presentations, so each one of you will be giving many ppts in coming time'

Inside my head, I was telling myself 'Deepika beta, aaj ka Mirchi murga is you' :P

I sensed either of things was going to happen.. Either they will postpone my presentation or I’ll be meeting our new station head as an audience.. :-P

Latter was true!

To add on to it, my boss asked me to add 7-8 more slides and edit certain things in my ppt... That editing took almost 4 hrs... :P

I was dying with hunger... And with all that hungry and nervous feeling... I realised it was 'the moment' I was waiting for... Clock was showing 5 and I forgot everything else... Cinderella moment it was... And I had to carry on!

5 senior people entered in meeting room... yes, of course, with our New station head.. I was feeling a bit nervous about the last minute edits...

Hiding all my nervousness behind a smile... I started with my presentation...  And believe me I never realised how I lasted there for more than an hour’s time.. I finished it and saw time it was 6.15pm...

Pheww... though it was not the best of what I could have presented but everyone was kinda content... And I was happy.. :-D

It was a rock star feel \m/

As if, I cleared some IIT exam :P

Dear God, thank you so much for saving me once again :D

Please be there with me... I love you... And take care of my people! :-) Muuaah :*