Thursday, May 4, 2017

Have Courage and Be Kind!

"I want to tell you a secret that will see you through all the trials that life can offer- Have Courage and Be Kind

Cinderella (Movie)"

I have seen the future. I know what is going to happen in the next 5 years, or 10 years in my life. (Except for a situation where I fall down while climbing some mountain and die) :P

I know because I believe. I believe in hard work, being honest, being kind to people and keeping my thinking clear.

Once my brother told me, don’t worry about what’s next, if you are doing the right thing and honest in your approach your life will improve, not immediately but gradually. And it will stay.

I believe in karma. Somehow, we all know how we operate, deal with people, being fair or unfair, hurt others or help them repair themselves from the wounds their heart carries. Life isn't fair every day and that’s alright.

At times, I really feel weird thinking about the situations I am in... Professionally, personally and so on. I know I over-think, but, then I over-work, I over-love, over-care and so on. Since I live in extremes, moderation is never my thing.

People around me influence me up to a great extent. I like being with honest people and I have got a thing for genuine people. 

I am no God, I know I have hurt people in past and it took me a very long time to get over it, accepting the fact that emotions are uncontrollable. We can't exactly feel the same every time we are required to and we unintentionally hurt people under certain circumstances. I have done wrong things for which I know will never be spared by God.

In the end, God knows my intent. And I know I am His favourite I will be fine

Dear God, I love you and I trust you for everything. I know you can never do any wrong to me and you have better plans. Please take care of my people. Muuaah :*

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